How to find a web developer in Amherst MA
If you’re a business, non-profit, or entrepreneur looking for a web developer in Amherst MA, there are a few things you need to understand first.
But before we go into that, make sure you know how to choose the right web development company. Once you’ve got that covered, read on…
1. Your Amherst web developer may not actually be based in Amherst
Amherst packs a lot of punch for a town its size, but it is actually quite small geographically. The biggest employer in the town is the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst).
Many people who live in Amherst – and who don’t work for UMass Amherst – actually work in Hadley, South Hadley, Northampton, Springfield, Chicopee, Granby, Greenfield, or one of the many surrounding towns or cities.
This means that if you’re looking for a web development business or SEO agency that is actually geographically based in Amherst, it may be a hard find. You may need to widen your search to include centers like Hadley, Northampton, Granby, Easthampton, etc.
2. Amherst is bigger than Amherst, though some will disagree
The towns of Amherst, Hadley, Belchertown, Sunderland, Leverett, Shutesbury, and Pelham fall under the ‘Greater Amherst‘ banner for destination marketing purposes. Some of the town borders are so squiggly that you can drive in and out of Amherst three times along one road.
To make it more interesting, all of these towns, located in Hampshire County, are part of the Springfield Metropolitan Area (also known as Greater Springfield). This area also includes towns and cities in Hampden and Franklin counties.

Having said this, we know a few die-hard Belchertowners who will swear they are not part of Amherst. Oh yes, and some Granby folks too. Don’t forget Hadley which has Route 9, some pretty significant malls, and famous farms, and that gives them airs of independence 😉 (We love you, Hadley!).
Despite all this, we stand by our earlier statement; Amherst is bigger than Amherst. Feel free to find web developers in any of the towns mentioned above.
Where is Artist Dynamix?
Artist Dynamix is a digital marketing agency located in Amherst MA, part of the Springfield Metropolitan Area, in Western Massachusetts.
3. Google understands the situation
Yup, if you Google ‘web developers Amherst’ you will see that Google understands the assignment. It will list developers in Granby, such as TigerWeb, East Longmeadow (Envision Marketing Group), and in Easthampton (Web-tactics, inc.).
4. Check Chamber of Commerce websites
The Greater Amherst Chamber of Commerce has a directory where you can find local web development companies and digital marketing agencies. Other chambers in the Western Massachusetts area are The Greater Northampton Chamber, The South Hadley & Granby Chamber, and the Greater Holyoke Chamber of Commerce.
5. Ask the right questions
Now that you understand the geography of the place, remember to ask the right questions before you settle on a website developer.
We have a great guide that gives you a list of questions to ask yourself and your web developer before you begin your website project. Make sure you go through it and arm yourself with the right knowledge.
The guide covers practical issues that often get overlooked by businesses when they get websites developed. It also covers technical matters that are sometimes hard to bring up because most people are not sure how to talk about them or that they are even issues worth bringing up.
6. Take a look at the guide to web developers & digital marketing agencies in Western Massachusetts
We have put together a comprehensive guide to web developers and digital marketing agencies in Western Massachusetts.
It includes web design agencies, paid advertising (pay-per-click) specialists, search engine optimization experts, mailing list and automation gurus, and social media marketing agencies throughout the region.
This is a useful starting point for any business, entrepreneur, or non-profit looking to find an agency to work with in the 413.
It’s an ongoing project and we add new agencies to it as we find out about them.
Not sure where to start with your digital marketing?
An audit of your current online presence is always a great place to start. Find out what keywords are driving people to your site, how fast your site loads, and more…